From the Heart: BISCAST Values Revitalization Program


Photo Courtesy: MULTIMEDIA HUB

The human heart is quite curious — it can beat without the brain's instruction and desire without permission. It's even more intriguing, however, that the heart is a muscle, and that muscles have memories, too. The heart remembers all the times it raced against deadlines, the moments it melted from unexpected kindness, and the sounds that echoed through its chambers every time it sang a celebratory chorus. The heart thrives on the values that bloom from significant experiences, transforming passion into action and developing virtues that become second nature.

A heart driven by values – this is the sleeping giant that the BISCAST Values Revitalization Program (VRP) endeavors to stir in every ASTean, as the inherent force that wields dreamers with fervor that moves mountains, ambition that towers over the tallest trees, and insight that deftly carves perennial legacies. As a transformative initiative that strives to nurture a culture of values through spirited volunteerism, the VRP aims to create a BISCAST community that does not just coexist, but rather collaborates in a coordinated pursuit of excellence. By instilling values that reflect the ASTean dream, the VRP aims to teach the hearts of all BISCAST students, teachers, and employees to choose the moral path and to act with passion and integrity in all their endeavors, so that they may realize their goals with a sense of purpose, community, and fulfillment.

A heart that breathes life

A glimmer of nostalgia dances in the eyes of Ms. Rosalie S. Magistrado, the BISCAST Faculty Alliance (BFA) President and one of the first VRP volunteers, as she fondly recalls the inception of the BISCAST VRP. First launched on November 12, 2019, the program was established as an institutionalized initiative based on the Values Restoration Program of the Council for the Restoration of Filipino Values (CRFV). This Civil Service Commission (CSC)-accredited program, which centered on creating a value-laden workforce, inspired the formation of the BISCAST VRP volunteer group, whose mission was to create sustainable values impact through mainstream implementation of activities and close collaboration with organizations like Gender and Development (GAD), the Multifaith Office, and the BFA. In the early years of the VRP, Ms. Magistrado recounts the reading of values during flag ceremonies and the conduct of recollections and retreats before VRP activities lost momentum during the pandemic. Nevertheless, the VRP volunteers held the fort with virtual activities like seminars despite the uncertainties of the pandemic, until eventually entering the new normal in which the VRP would revitalize itself.

A heart that serves

Last January 29, 2024, the VRP was officially relaunched with a reinforced membership of volunteers and through the leadership of the current SUC President II, Dr. Alex H. Navarroza. With a stronger support system of not just teaching and nonteaching staff but also students, the VRP once again brought forth campus-wide stories of hope and inspiration in its wake through focused monthly value campaigns.

In February 2024, the values campaign focused on Cleanliness, Orderliness, and Godliness, inspiring students and employees to roll up their sleeves and give their beloved campus a well-deserved glow-up.

For instance, the College of Education Student Teachers Organization (STO) conducted a Clean-Up Drive called "Paralaan Ko, Lilinisin ko" as a part of their Banaag TnT 2.0 activity, in which teacher interns from different programs enthusiastically joined forces to clean the school. While the success of the activity contributed to the upkeep of the school grounds, STO Adviser and VRP volunteer Dr. Eleonor C. Jarapa remarked that activities like these are also opportunities to strengthen community bonds in fulfilling their roles as members of the BISCAST family beyond mere compliance. For pre-service teachers, embracing these values also means responsibly incorporating them, not just at home but also in school, as their second homes where they will be passing on these values to their future learners.

A heart that illuminates

For March 2024, the value focus of Honesty was celebrated among ASTeans through the first Values Recognition Day, held last April 1, 2024, through a collaboration between the VRP, the SFIO, and Student Development Services (SDS). Alongside notable participants of the February values campaign and the first quarter Pagmantinar challenge winners, the recognition ceremony also featured the awardees of the SDS' Honestong ASTean program.

SDS Director and VRP volunteer Engr. Antonio Ricardo T. Ayen expressed that highlighting the noble deeds of students through positive recognition cultivates their values by validating their good deeds. As the institution's vanguard on student welfare, SDS contributes to the values campaign through its Honestong ASTean program, which hopes to create an environment that will help students feel valued and nurture future professionals who are imbued with integrity and honesty. Engr. Ayen further elaborates that as an organization that aims to foster personal development, academic excellence, and a strong sense of community, Values Revitalization is central to all SDS initiatives, which also include Tabang Astean, the Amity Garden Project, and most especially, its annual College Organization Leaders Training.

A heart that empowers

On the other hand, GAD Focal Person and VRP Volunteer Ma'am Faye Sharon N. Almendral highlighted the role of Honesty in women empowerment through BISCAST's celebration of National Women's Month held in the same month with the theme "Empowering Women to Lead with Integrity." Alongside other special activities like a women empowerment-themed showcase of literary skills and talents called "Juana: Exploring the Orbits of Possibilities through Celestial Sisterhood, a forum on Women Honesty was also held. Ma'am Almendral recounted the impactful words of speaker Atty. Deonalaine Ivy P. Figura, a respected lawyer, gender and development advocate, and passionate promoter of values revitalization, who highlighted the ultimate desire for truthfulness amid the prevalence of superficiality through the song "Honesty" by Billy Joel. Atty. Figura also challenged everyone, especially women, to strive for honesty no matter how difficult, because leading with integrity fosters trust, credibility, and positive impact.

Ma'am Almendral later expressed that practicing honesty creates an environment where all genders feel seen, heard, and respected. Thus, it creates an honest representation where the voices of diverse BISCAST stakeholders lead to the development of gender-needs responsive programs, projects, and activities, encourages honest reporting and intervention on incidents like bullying, harassment, assault, or gender-based violence, and develops a safe space where ASTeans can express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination.

A heart that connects

BFA President Ma'am Magistrado further articulates the VRP's advocacy to integrate values into the multiple facets of daily ASTean life. She asserts that injecting values into different curricula across the campus is a vital ingredient in leading the holistic development of learners. A feasibility study is also underway for a new curricular opening for Bachelor of Science in Education - Values Education (BSEd-VE).

Meanwhile, the BFA continues to hold its Appreciation of Life after each first Friday Mass. "Food brings us together," Ma'am Magistrado cheerfully remarks, as she details how the monthly blessing of employees with birthdays, simple birthday tribute with video presentation and cake-giving, and fellowship activity sponsored by the BFA and the birthday celebrants generate a stronger sense of community within the institution. Further, she also invites ASTeans to promote healthy work-life balance and practice self-love and care by joining weekly wellness activities held every Friday from 4 to 5 PM. Participants may choose from a diverse range of activities, which include fitness-dance and ballroom, outdoor and adventure (i.e., swimming and trekking), singing, sports (i.e., basketball and badminton), and exercising groups.

A heart that guides

Nevertheless, student involvement remains at the center of the value-focused campaign as one of the cornerstones of a thriving campus community. Supreme Student Council (SSC) President Hon. Rhona Mae B. Ferrer is only one among the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed student volunteers who have stepped forward to immerse themselves in building a values-driven BISCAST. President Ferrer shares her belief that students who actively uphold values are key to fostering an enhanced campus community in which everyone takes responsibility for their actions. She further relates that incorporating values into all facets of BISCAST resonates with the SSC's clamor to become a part of a community that is defined by values like honesty, empathy, and integrity, thereby shaping their character. Moreover, she imagines that a partnership between the SSC and VRP could strengthen the values campaign through activities like workshops and student-led talks, as well as by increasing opportunities for volunteer work and boosting social media awareness. She ultimately invites her fellow students to put values at the heart of all they do, be it in their relationships, studies, and everyday actions.

A heart that endures

The success stories we have witnessed in the first quarter alone of the VRP relaunching are clear evidence that when teachers, non teaching staff, and students are united by values, we can create a pulsating impact that transcends time and lives on through shared culture.

In President Navarroza's inspiring words during the VRP Relaunching Activity, "Through open dialogue, collaboration, and transparency, we can ignite a collective spark that will radiate throughout our College and become active participants in forming the values of our community members." He further emphasized the significance of this endeavor, saying, "this dedicated effort to not only teaching values, but also ensuring that values are instilled into the daily practices of both students and staff, is a crucial part of providing knowledge that is holistic and enduring."

In our mission to foster transformative education, the VRP indeed serves as a synergistic approach for empowering each member of the BISCAST community to actively shape our shared values and culture. However, in essence, it will always be the resounding heartbeats of each inspired individual that create the symphony of the ASTean dream. Through our continued collaboration and support for one another, we can stand firm as a unified family of achievers whose legacy stands the test of time and continues to inspire ASTeans for generations to come.